  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒
  • 地铁专用不锈钢接水盒



桥梁伸缩缝:指的是为满足桥面变形的要求,通常在两梁端之间、梁端与桥台之间或桥梁的铰接位置上设置伸缩缝。要求伸缩缝在平行、垂直于桥梁轴线的两个方向,均能自由伸缩,牢固可靠,车辆行驶过时应平顺、无突跳与噪声;要能防止雨水和垃圾泥土渗入阻塞;安装、检查、养护、消除污物都要简易方便。 在设置伸缩缝处,栏杆与桥面铺装都要断开。

Bridge expansion joints: to meet the requirements of bridge deck deformation, the expansion joint is usually installed between the two beam ends, between the Liang Duan and abutment or the hinge position of the bridge. Requirements of expansion joints in two directions parallel and perpendicular to the axis of the bridge, can free expansion, firm and reliable, the vehicle had to be smooth, no sudden jump and noise; to prevent rainwater and waste soil infiltration obstruction; installation, inspection, maintenance, eliminate dirt to be simple. At the expansion joint, the railing and the bridge deck should be disconnected.



The role of bridge expansion joints is to adjust the displacement and connection between the superstructure caused by the vehicle load and the bridge building materials. Once the telescopic device of the skew bridge is damaged, it will seriously affect the speed, comfort and safety of the train, and even cause traffic accidents.


According to the performance and installation method, the expansion joint can be divided into GQF-C, GQF-Z, GQF-L and GQF-F types.


The bridge expansion joint device of GQF-MZL number model is a bridge expansion joint device which is made of hot-rolled profiled steel. GQF-C type, GQF-Z type, GQF-L type, GQF-F type jointless bridge joint device is suitable for the expansion of the following 80mm, GQF-MZL type expansion joint device is composed of modular bridge expansion edge beam, beam, beam and linkage mechanism joint device, suitable for large and medium span bridge expansion 80mm-1200mm.



The prominent feature of GQF - MZL telescopic device is that it separates the bearing structure and displacement control system of the telescopic device. The two forces do not interfere with each other, and the division of labor is clear, which ensures the safety of the force and the uniform displacement under the force.


The value of direct influence on the choice of expansion device specification calculation of bridge expansion volume, if the expansion device specification selection is not reasonable, it directly affects the use effect of expansion device at the same time, expansion device should be taken into consideration when the beam and plate expansion device gap size, to ensure the expansion device has sufficient anchorage and beam, both ends of the board, in order to achieve the best use effect. Therefore, in the selection of telescopic device specifications, we must leave enough margin, in order to ensure the use and durability of telescopic device.


(5) when the bridge is located on the ramp, the fixed support should be located on the abutment in the downhill direction;


(6) when the bridge is located on the flat slope, the fixed support should be located on the front abutment of the main driving direction;


(7) the fixed bearing should be located in the place where the counterforce is greater;


(8) several supports on the same pier should have similar rotational rigidity;










主营业务:我公司专业生产橡胶止水带、外贴式橡胶止水... [详细]


经营性质: 材料供应商

所在地:河北 衡水市 


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