  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85
  • 德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85


德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85


According to the shape of the laminated rubber bearing is divided into rectangular plate, round, round plate, plate crown slope etc. several products.


Sheet rubber bearings are classified according to different materials:

1、氯丁橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-25℃;

1, chloroprene rubber: suitable temperature +60 to -25 degrees;

2、天然橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-40℃;

2, natural rubber: suitable temperature +60 to -40 degrees;

3、三元乙丙橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-45℃;

3, three EPDM: suitable for temperature +60 to -45 degrees;

矩形(圆形)板式橡胶支座性能及特点:本产品由多层橡胶片与薄钢板镶嵌、粘合压制而发,有足够的竖向刚度以承压垂直荷载,能将 上部构造的反力可靠地传递给墩台,有良好的弹性,以适应梁端的转动;又有较大的剪切变形以满足上部 构造的水平位移;桥梁建筑、水电工程、房屋抗震设施上已广泛应用,与原用的钢支座相比,有构造 简单,安装方便;节约钢材,价格低廉;养护简便,易于更换等优点,且本品建筑高度低,对桥梁设计与降低造价有益;有良好的隔震作用,可减少活载与地震力对建筑物的冲击作用。

德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85

德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85

Rectangular (round) the properties and characteristics of plate rubber support: This product is made of rubber sheet and multilayer thin steel inlaid, sticking and pressing, have enough vertical stiffness to bearing vertical load, the upper structure of the reverse force can be reliably transferred to the pier, has good flexibility, in order to adapt to the Liang Duan rotation; and in order to meet the horizontal displacement of superstructure of large shear deformation; bridge construction, hydropower engineering, seismic facilities have been widely used, compared with the original steel bearing, has simple structure, convenient installation; steel saving, low price; convenient maintenance, easy replacement and other advantages, and the product of low building height, and reduce the cost of bridge design has good isolation effect is good; and can reduce the live load and seismic load on buildings impact.

球冠圆板式支座特点:产品是经由圆板式支座改进而来的;支座顶面彩纯橡胶球型表面,支座底部加设一圈R2.5 mm的半圆型圆环。它保留了变形各向同性的优点,又可克服安装后易产生的偏压、脱空等现象,适用于一般桥梁,也适用于各种布置复杂的,纵坡较大的立交桥和高架桥,也是根据不同坡度调整球冠半径。

德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85

德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85

Coronal circular plate bearing the characteristics: the product is through the circular support and improved support; the top surface color pure rubber ball bearing surface, the bottom of the semicircular ring is a ring of R2.5 mm. It retains the advantages of isotropic deformation, but also can overcome the bias and void after the installation is easy to produce the phenomenon, applicable to the general bridge, is also suitable for the complicated layout, the larger slope of the overpass and the viaduct, also according to the different slope of the bottom radius adjustment.

德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85德阳板式圆形橡胶支座 d350*85









主营业务:橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,塑料止水带,闸门水... [详细]


经营性质: 材料供应商

所在地:河北 衡水市 


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水利水电 > 工程橡胶制品


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