  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款
  • 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款


泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款


Type classification of rubber bearings


Rubber bearings of this type have enough vertical stiffness to bear vertical load, and the upper structure of the pressure can be reliably transferred to the pier; have good flexibility to adapt to Duandi beam rotation; a greater shear deformation to meet the horizontal displacement of superstructure;


泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款

 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款

Plate bearings are divided into shapes: rectangle, round two products.


According to whether can provide horizontal displacement is divided into: PTFE slide bearing and ordinary rubber bearings.


Rectangular (round) plate


(1) performance: This product is made of multilayer rubber sheet and inlaid with thin steel plate. It is vulcanized and compressed under certain pressure, certain temperature and certain time. There are enough vertical stiffness to bearing vertical load, the upper structure of the beam plate can be reliably transferred to the pier force, good flexibility, in order to adapt to the rotation of the beam end; and to meet the horizontal displacement of upper beam structure of large shear deformation.

(2)特点:本产品在桥梁建筑、水电工程、房屋抗震设施上已广泛应用,与原用的钢支座相比,有构造 简单,安装方便;节约钢材,价格低廉;养护简便,易于更换等优点,且本品建筑高度低,对桥梁设计与降低造价有益;有良好的隔震作用,可减少活载与地震力对建筑物的冲击作用。

泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款

泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款

(2) features: This product has been widely used in bridge construction, hydropower projects, housing seismic facilities, compared with the original steel bearing, has simple structure, convenient installation; steel saving, low price; easy maintenance, easy replacement and other advantages, and the low building height, and reduce the cost of bridge design have good beneficial; isolation, live load and seismic force can reduce the impact on the building effect.


PTFE slide plate


Referred to as PTFE slide bridge bearings, this product is in the ordinary plate rubber bearings on a thick layer of 2-3mm PTFE plate. In addition to the vertical with normal rubber bearing stiffness and elastic deformation under vertical load and can adapt to the rotation of the outer end of the beam, because of low coefficient of friction between the steel plate and beam bottom tetrafluoroethylene (U = 0.03) the horizontal displacement of the upper structure of the bridge is not restricted, span >30 meters long span bridge, continuous beam bridge and multi span continuous beam bridge can be used as a movable support; continuous beam pushing and shifting of T beam and large equipment can use the slider slip.


Material classification:

a:氯丁橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-25℃

A: Neoprene: suitable temperature +60 to -25 degrees

b:天然橡胶: 适用温度+60℃∽-40℃

B: natural rubber: suitable temperature +60 to -40 degrees

 泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款

泸州GJZ F4板式橡胶支座 规格齐全 货到付款








主营业务:橡胶支座,橡胶止水带,塑料止水带,闸门水... [详细]


经营性质: 材料供应商

所在地:河北 衡水市 


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水利水电 > 工程橡胶制品


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