WinCC 系统软件 V7.5 SP2 亚洲, RC 512(512 个 Power Tag), 运行时/配置软件 DVD 上,浮动许可证, U 盘上的许可证密钥, A 级,9 种语言(德语, 英语,法语,西班牙语,意大利语,简体中文,繁体中文,朝鲜语,日 语), 请注意产品版本: SIOS 条目
内容:套组(3x DVD + 1x USB)
Sales- and delivery release SIMATIC WinCC V8.0 incl. optionsAs of now, SIMATIC WinCC V8.0 including all option packages is available.SIMATIC WinCC V8.0 is an independent product and a full version. SIMATIC WinCC V7.5 SP2 is still available as well.
With the WinCC Software Update Service, delivery will be implemented automatically.
1. Delivery Release
In addition to the WinCC basic packages of SIMATIC WinCC V8.0, the following WinCC options will be released / are compatible:WinCC/Server V8.0WinCC/Redundancy V8.0 WinCC/Archive V8.0WinCC/UserArchives V8.0WinCC/WebNavigator V8.0WinCC/DataMonitor V8.0WinCC/Connectivity Pack V8.0WinCC/Connectivity Station V8.0WinCC/WebUX V8.0WinCC/ODK V8.0WinCC/IndustrialDataBridge V8.0WinCC/Audit V8.0WinCC/Change Control V8.0WinCC/Calendar Scheduler V8.0WinCC/Event Notifier V8.0WinCC/Performance Monitor V8.0WinCC/ProAgent V8.0WinCC/Cloud Connect V8.0WinCC/REST Connect V8.0