我公司独特的技术将混凝、沉淀、过滤工艺巧妙的组合为一体,采取适当的措施就可与周边环境融为一体,针对生活用水进行优化,占地面积小、 自动运行、水质稳定。
lntegrated water purified facility is the best solution for improving rural domestic water qualities.
We compact coagulation, sedimentation and filtration together with unique techno1ogy so as the treatment facilities is accordance with environment. Besides, this facility improves domestic water with advantages such as smaller footprint, automatic running and stable eflluent qualities.
食品饮料、纺织印染、制药、电子科技、发酵西良造、石油化工等名行业的生产用水对水的要求不尽相同,采用砂滤、炭滤、超滤、反渗透、离子交換、 EDI等不同工艺的组合,结合各类监测仪表、控制系统,生产所需的软化水、除盐水、 纯水、超纯水、洁净水、无菌水等,鹏凯均有相应的解决方案。
Food and beverage, textile printing and dyeing, pharmaceutical, electronic technology, fermentation brewing, petrochemical and other water supply has different requirements. Treatment methods including sand filter, carbon filter, uitrafiltration, reverse osmosis(R0), ion exchange, EDl and methods combination. Pengkai has oorrespond treatment methods combined with diverse detection instruments,,control systems for producing required softened water, desalted water, pure water, ultra-pure water, clean water, sterile water and The like.
一体化净水处理器,简单、 快速的拥有自己的自来水厂。
Our integrated purified watertreatment system is an easy and quick installed and used facilities.
We compact coagulation, sedimentation and filtration togetherwith unique technology so as to occupy less area, and running automatically with stable effluent qualities that is meeting national tap water standards.