  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器
  • 机械蒸汽再压缩MVR糖厂浓缩升膜蒸发系统成套设备普瑞普勒板式蒸发器



Propellent Plate Type Evaporator Brief


Propellent is the leader brand of plate type evaporator in China. It has excellent technical team, strict quality control system. Plate type evaporator of PLS350, PLS500 and PLS600 is manufactured in China. The technology has reached international advanced lever. The application  effects are equal to or better than foreign brands.

普瑞普勒升膜板式蒸发器由一组板片组成,产品通道和加热通道交替排列。 产品和加热介质在各自的通道中逆流传热。特殊设计的波纹形式以及板间距保证可以产生强烈的湍流,从而得到理想的传热效率。强烈的热传递使产品沸腾,同时生成的蒸汽带动残留液体形成沿板片向上爬升的液膜。残留液和蒸汽在下游的离心分离器中得以分离。入口宽度和向上的运行形式保证了产品在全部截面上的理想均匀分布。


The principle of operation for Propellent rising film plate evaporator involves the use of a number of plateswith alternate product and heating channels. Product and heating media are transferred in counterflow through their relevant passages. Defined plate distances in conjunction with special plate shapes generate strong turbulence, resulting in optimum heat transfer efficiency. Intensive heat transfer causes the product to boil while the vapor formed drives the residual liquid, as a rising film, moving up the plate. Residual liquid and vapors are separated in the downstream centrifugal separator. The wide inlet duct and the upward movement ensure optimum distribution over the total cross-section of the heat exchanger.

Products that are being processed in propellent’s evaporator include: pharmaceutical, Juice, starch, waste water.

  • 普勒板式蒸发装置的特点

    Propellent evaporation system features:

  • 1) 传热效率高,蒸发能力强。特殊设计的板片使得产品在极低的流速下即可发生强烈的湍流。

  1. High heat transfer efficiency, strong evaporation

    Special designed plates provide high turbulence at relatively low Reynolds number, which makes high heat transfer coefficient.

    2) 产品停留时间短。液膜的快速流动是形成较短的停留时间和极高HTC值的关键,这点对于热敏性产品极为关键。

    2) Low residence time

    The rapid movement of the thin film is the key to producing low residence time w as well as superior HTC’swhich is also very important for heat sensitive product.

  • 3)占地面积小,操作方便。由于有很高的传热系数,板式升膜蒸发器设备小巧紧凑,设备整体高度低,管道阀门位置较低,操作观察方便。

    3)  Compact size, convenient operation

    Because of the high heat transfer coefficient, size of plate type heat exchanger is small. The small overall height makes convenient operation and easy observation.


4) Small thermal loss

Compact size makes small surface area which leads to small thermal loss. No need of thermal isolate.

  • 5)清洗维护方便:整套系统采用板式蒸发器、板式冷凝器、板式换热器。可通过拧松螺栓等方式进行方便的拆装检查。

    5) Easy maintenance

     The whole system is using plate heat exchangers, like plate type evaporator, plate type condenser and plate heat exchanger. They can be easily opened for inspection and maintenance by loosening the bolts and nuts, and also easily reassembled.


    6) Flexible evaporation rate

    As surface area can easily be added or removed, evaporation rate can be easily adjusted.

  • 7)低成本在相同传热量的前提下,金属耗量低,占地面积,流体阻力,冷却水用量等项目数值的减小,使得投资成本大大降低。

    7) Low investment

    Low metal consumption, compact size, low pressure resistance, small cooling water flow make low investment.








主营业务:板式换热器、GEA换热器、无触点宽流道板... [详细]


经营性质: 设备供应商

所在地:北京 北京市 


企业样本 更多>>
普瑞普勒烟羽消白技术 类别:空气处理机组 日期:2018-09-13 地址:北京市 查看
废水余热回收样册 类别:空气处理机组 日期:2018-06-15 地址:北京市 查看
企业在糖业应用简介(中英文) 类别:换热器 日期:2018-03-30 地址:北京市 查看
普勒板式换热器 中英文操作手册
普勒板式换热器 中英文操作手册 类别:换热器 日期:2018-03-15 地址:北京市 查看


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