热压辊加热油炉 MPW-20-70
173-726O-59O6The cooling mode of mould temperature machine is divided into direct cooling and indirect cooling. The indirect cooling mode is separated from the main circuit by the cooling circuit, while the direct cooling mode is directly involved in the main loop. 滁州市南谯区热压辊加热油炉 模具控温设备 The water transport mould temperature machine usually adopts direct cooling mode. The oil type mold temperature machine, the process of heating, water and oil cannot be mixed together, so the indirect cooling mode, it is usually used for cooling plate exchanger.
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采用原装进口英国“WEST”双组P.I.D.自动演算型玻璃液晶温控器,(加热和冷却均有P I D 自动演算功能,温控更准确节能)可省电35%以上;流程故障显示,容易检修;无须专业维修人员。突波过滤及吸收装置,适应电压不稳环境。电器控制箱;隔离式设计,能有效的降低电器元件的工作温度,使之延长寿命。整机零配件采用欧美日进口件70%以上http://www.dianjiareyoulu.com。迈浦特公司以专业生产模温机、高温模温机、冷冻机为主,致力于技术的改造、研发和创新,制造出高品质、高效率省电型的机器设备;导热油加热装置 导热油电加热设备 导热油循环系统 导热油加热系统 油温机控温范围已达到350℃,是射出成型、挤出成型、镁合金制造、滚轮控温、电子制造等行业的*优辅助设备,完全可以替代进口设备,为客户降低生产成本。滁州市南谯区热压辊加热油炉 模具控温设备
我公司为完善自身品牌,重抓售后,实行24小时内到达机器售出点,为客户排忧解难,尽大可能不耽误客户生产。 173-726o-59o6
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