  • t2000红外热像仪
  • t2000红外热像仪


FLIR公司?ThermoVision 2000\3000-红外监视热像仪 ? Thermovision 2000是尖端科技的长距离、安装有红外热像系统的监视平台,提供无与伦比的第三代长波QWIP(Quantum Well Infrared Photondetector)量子阱红外光电探测器的性能和内置三种不同光学视场角(25°、6°、0.99°)。为现场使用特制的外壳和长寿命的组件使得Thermovision 2000能够经受***恶劣的环境条件。探测范围超过10公里。Thermovision 2000能快速识别远距离的目标。 FLIR公司在世界范围内,有超过700台Thermovision系统安装在车载和地面监视系统中,用于处理多任务的紧急 状况(武装防护、监视、战术意识)。美国空军TASS(战术自动保卫系统)程序就取决于Thermovision坚固的设计,极其清晰的图像质量和可连网。 FLIR长波红外Thermovision 2000采用320 X 240像素长波、窄波段的焦平面的探测器。在温暖和寒冷的天气下具有很高的热灵敏度,确保系统能够抵抗现有的激光攻击性武器。三种不同的视场角确保用户能够高效、方便的执行任务。宽视场能快速定位,窄视场便于具体识别目标。功能强大的随机处理能力创新性功能,如自动聚焦、自动图像优化和联网通讯。 Thermovision 2000将耐用的组件封装在坚固的外壳内。使系统能够在任何恶劣的天气和环境下工作。整套系统由四个主要部件组成--三角架、控制板、显示控制装置、交流电源。一个操作人员就能在数分钟内安装系统,使系统能够真正做到移动操作和快速部署。 FLIR红外系统公司是世界领先的红外系统生产商。FLIR公司全球性维修网络和培训中心能够提高用户的使用经验并且能随时满足用户的需求。 应用范围 · 防御带保卫 · 海岸监视 · 边境巡逻 · 政府设施保卫 · 火灾监控 · 打击贩毒 · 港务监督 详细说明: 这两种热像仪不仅非常适用于边境和海岸监控,而且也适用于中程威胁的探测。 这两种热像仪也可作为一种多传感器系统能够装备可见光摄像机、GPS部件、数字罗盘和可选的 激光测距仪。 ThermoVision TM 2000/3000 Technical specifications IMAGING PERFORMANCE ? Thermal: ? Detector type ThermoVison2000: ? Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP): 320×240 pixels ? TermoVison3000: ? Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP): 640×480 pixels Spectral range 8.0 to 9.2μm Number of fields of view 3 Field of view lens 1 ThermoVision2000:25? (H) ×19 ? (V) with 28 mm lens ? ThermoVision3000:25? (H) ×19 ? (V) with 37 mm lens Field of view lens 2 ThermoVision2000:6? (H) ×4.5 ? (V) with 116 mm lens ? ThermoVision3000:7.8? (H) ×5.8 ? (V) with 116 mm lens Field of view lens 3 ThermoVision2000:0.99? (H) ×0.74 ? (V) with 704 mm lens ? ThermoVision3000:1.3? (H) ×0.96 ? (V) with 704 mm lens Spatial resolution (IFOV) ThermoVision2000:1.36 mrad for 28 mm lens ? 0.33 mrad for 116mm lens -0.054 for 704 mm lens ? ThermoVision3000:0.68 mrad for 37 mm lens ? 0.22 mrad for 116 mm lens-0.036 mrad for 704 mm lens Thermal sensitivity 30 mk max Image frequency ThermoVision2000: 50 Hz PAL or 60Hz NTSC ? ThermoVision3000:25Hz PAL or 30 Hz NTSC Focus Automatic or Manual Electronic zoom 2×,4× Image processing Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE):ThermoVision3000 only Visual (Multisensor only): ? Built-in digital video Sony FCB-EX-980S Color block camera (NTSC) ? Sony FCB-EX-980SP Color block camera (PAL) Effective pixels Approx.680,000 pixels NTSC- approx.800,000 pixels PAL Low light option Yes Image stabilization Yes Optical zoom 26×,42 ? to 1.6 ? continuous Electronic zoom 12×continuous PAN-TILT:(Pan/Tilt versions only) ? Az Range; Az velocity n×360 ?;0.3 ?-65 ?/sec continuous El Range; El velocity +/-35 ?;0.3 ?-30 ? /sec Accuracy 1 mrad Resolution 0.1 mrad LASER RANGE FINDER (optional on multi-sensor) ? Type / range Erbium glass, eye safe /80 m to 20 km SYSTEM FEATURES ? Geo Positioning Internal GPS: multi sensor only Programmable search Program multiple preset locations: Pan/Tilt version only Remote Control By serial link over TCP/IP Automatic heater Yes Built-in Test(BIT) Yes Pelco D compliance Yes IMAGE PRESENTATION ? Video output NTSC or PAL composite video, 14-bit digital image data Connector types BNC VOIP MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 video POWER ? Requirements 18-35 V DC Consumption 35 W typical-140 W with heaters ? Multi-sensor:55 W typical-140 W with heaters ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS ? Operating temperature range -32℃ to +55℃ Storage temperature range -40℃ to +70℃ Automatic Window defrost Yes Humidity Mil-Std-810F,506.4 Sand/dust Mil-Std-810F,510.4 Icing/freezing rain Mil-Std-810F,521.2 Shock Mil-Std-810F,516.5 Vibration Mil-Std-810F,514.4 PHYSICAL? CHARACTERISTICS ? Camera Weight 18 kg-25 kg for multi sensor Camera Size 503×312×267 mm Shipping size / weight Sensor head: 440×630×580mm(h×w×l) 30 kg ? Pan/Tilt:320×350×300 mm(h×w×l):14kg Pan/Tilt version only ? Accessories:440×630×580 mm(h×w×l) 25-30 kg ? (weight is depending on system cable length) INTERFACES ? TCP/IP Command and control: all functions RS-232 Command and control: all functions RS-485 Command and control: all functions STANDARD PACKAGES ThermoVision2000/3000: ? Thermal imaging camera, power supply, camera cable(7.5m), hand ? control, junction box, operator manual, shipping case ? ThermoVision2000/3000 Multi-sensor: ? Thermal imaging camera, daylight camera, Pan/Tilt, JPC(Junction and Protocol Converter) system, power ? supply with cables, system cable, Joy stick, junction ? box, operator manual, shipping cases(3). ? Optional: Laser Range Finder, Digital Magnetic Compass








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