以色列OPHIR圆形光电探头PD300R-3W厂商报价Model PD300R PD300R-3W PD300R-UV PD300R-IR Use General Powers to 3W Lowest powers from 200-1100nm IR wavelengths 700-1800nm Detector Type silicon silicon silicon germanium Aperture φ10mm φ10mm φ10mm φ5mm Filter mode Filter out Filter in Filter out Filter in Filter out Filter in Filter out Filter in Spectral Range nm 350-1100 430-1100 350-1100 430-1100 200 -1100 220 -1100 700-1800 700-1800 Power Range 30mW to 500pW 300mW to 200?W 100mW to 5nW 3W to 200?W 3mW to 20pW 300mW to 以色列OPHIR圆形光电探头PD300R-3W厂商报价2?W 30mW to 5nW 300mW to 200?W Power Scales 30mW to 30nW and dBm 300mW to 30mW and dBm 以色列OPHIR圆形光电探头PD300R-3W厂商报价100mW to 300nW and dBm 3W to 30mW and dBm 3mW to 3nW and dBm 300mW to 300?W and dBm 30mW to 30nW and dBm 300mW to 30mW and