Type3248-1 and Type3248-7 低温调节阀 Type3248 公称通径: DN 25 to 200 or 1” to 8” 材 质: 阀体: WN
1.4308 , WN 1.4571 or AlMg4.5Mn A351CF8M
acc. to US standards 阀芯/阀座:
WN 1.4571 copper plated 填料: V-ring packing PTFE with carbon, 波纹管: WN 1.4571 公称压力: Nominal
pressures: DIN PN 16 to 100 bar ANSI Class 150 to 600 Lbs 适用温度: from -196 to +220°C 产品样本下载 1.低温调节阀
Type3248-1 and Type3248-7 (DIN) 2.低温调节阀 Type3248-1 and Type3248-7 (ANSI)