振协铜天沟落水系统外形美观,色泽优雅;韧性好,低温抗冲击性佳,能抵抗冲击,梯子搭靠的压力,积雪;不易出现凹陷,扭曲或变形;运用耐高温的材料,能抵抗长时间的阳光曝晒;抗紫外线,耐老化性能好,抗酸碱腐蚀,持 久耐用。此外,振协铜天沟质地优良,结构合理,能有效地汇集屋面雨水,有组织地将雨水合理快速地排离建筑物,从而在完成屋面雨水排放的同时很好地保护房屋的外立面和地基,尽量延长建筑物的使用寿命。振协铜天沟落水系统开启了落水系统新概念,以其质高、价优的产品特色,在同行业中处于领先地位,其无缝落水管的技术运用更是率先走进了行业领域前锋。福建捷思铜天沟落水系统色彩艳丽,金属质感强。丰富的色彩为设计师和开发商带来多样选择。金属质感为建筑立面带来朴实视觉感受,立刻提升房屋档次,凸显房屋的价值,时尚与典雅并存,是欧美风格建筑的*好配置。
Fuzhou Zhnxie stainless steel copper gutter and drainage system is beautiful and colorful, which is famous for its unique design and high quality.The stainless steel copper gutter is made of high temperature resistant material, can stand prolonged sunlight. In addition, the copper gutter with fine texture and reasonable structure, can effectively collect roofing rainwater, at the same time, it does protect the facade of the building to extend the service life of building. The most important thing is that ZZhnxie stainless steel copper gutter opened up new concept of gutter water system with its high quality. Because of its reasonable price and high quality, Zhenxie stainless steel copper gutter become the guider in the same line. Zhenxie stainless steel copper gutter enjoys bright color and beautiful appearance, which makes the building more fashionable and elegant.