耐气候——有塑料中*佳的老化寿命。 高润滑——是固体材料中摩擦系数*低者。
无毒害——具有生理惰性,作为人工血管和脏器长期植入体内无不良反应。四氟盘根 应用: 化工、石化、炼油、氯碱、制酸、磷肥、制药、农药、化纤、染化、焦化、煤气、有机合成、有色冶炼、钢铁、原子能及高纯产品生产(如离子膜电解),粘稠物料输送与操作,卫生要求高度严格的食品、饮料等加工生产部门。
Packing butter and butter and butter yarn cotton yarn packing packing,
Butter cotton disc root stone cotton ( or metal asbestos ) as raw material, by preparation of impregnated braided or twisted joint lubrication system, yarn packing in linen from the processing of raw materials, so it has a known flax packing. Selected in the rotary shaft, reciprocating piston or valve rod is used as the sealing material.
Medium for steam, air, water, heavy oil, steam limit pressure is 45kg/cm, temperature is 350℃. Is power . Chemical petroleum mining . Machinery. Ship supply . Paper. Sugar industry indispensable sealing material.
Packing butter normal specifications: 6*6 - 25*25, special customized on-demand.
Quality standards: JC332 - 82 standard
Packaging uses 20 25 30KG transport
Storage conditions: 0 - 30`C cool dry place, avoid the sun and rain