1水力自动化:全系统只有水泵是**动能,水泵开启系统就获得能量。Hydraulic automation: system-wide only water pump is the only kinetic energy, thepumps turn on the system to gain energy.
2, 无压系统:全系统敞口无压进行,运行能耗低于常规压力系统。no pressure system: a system-wide exposure to pressure carried, energy consumption is lower than that of conventional pressure system.
the aeration process: the adoption of the objective laws of nature water self-purification through aeration, water activated fresh, and enhance immunity of thewater.
4,精滤工艺:通过七层复合反滤层精滤,充分去除水中有机污染。 fine filtration process: the seven composite filter layer fine filter, remove organiccontamination.
5 禁止投药:全系统禁止投放任何混凝剂、助凝剂、除草剂等化学药剂。Prohibit dosage: system-wide ban put any coagulant, coagulant aid, herbicides and other chemicals.
6, 不用换水:池水循环使用,每月补充少量蒸发水,池水保持达标。without changing the water: water recycling, a monthly supplement to a smallamount of evaporation of water, water to maintain compliance.
7, 自动反冲洗:当滤层含污量达到极值, 滤机内流态发生改变,自动反冲洗,污物自动排入污水管。
automatic backwash: When the filter layer containing sewage reaches extreme values, the flow pattern changes within the filter machine, automatic backwash, dirtautomatically into the sewer.
8,自动工作:全系统水力自动化运作,无需专人职守。 automatic work: the operation of the system-wide hydraulic automation, without special duty.
9, 节能费用:运行费用低廉,运行费为常规动力系统20%-30%。energy saving costs: low operating costs, 20% -30% of operating costs for conventional power systems.
10, 寿命长:寿命可达30年以上。long life: life expectancy of up to more than 30 years.
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