项目 ITEMS | CA新风系统 CIRCUL-AIRE AIR GREENER SYSTEM | 传统新风系统 Traditional fresh air system |
大气污染物控制 Atmosphere pollutant control | 可以有效控制空气中SOX,NOX及其他有害健康成份,同时过滤尘埃。 High efficiency dust filtration and also Effectively controls SOX,NOX and other harmful contaminants in the atmosphere. | 只能进行尘埃过滤 Only the dust filter |
室内空气品质控制 Indoor Air quality | 通过引入回风过滤段,可以有效控制室内VOCS含量,同时可以控制CO2含量。 Effectively controls VOCS concentration through intake return air filtration section, also controls CO2. | 需要在室内增加光触媒等功能段,但也不可能精确控制VOCS,CO2含量需通过大量新风稀释。 Needs to add indoor functional section such as photocatalysis,which cannot precisely control VOCS,CO2 and needs a big volume of outdoor air for dilution. |
节能 Energy saving | 通过减少多达75%的新风量,从而减少25~40%空调负荷,也可以减少主机装机容量。 在人口密集室内如超市、车站等,节能效果尤其明显。 Decreases by 25~40% the air-conditioning load through reducing 75% of the outdoor air volume, can also reduce the main unit capacity. In densely populated places like supermarkets,stations,etc., the energy saving effects are very significant. | -- |
LEED认证 LEED CERTIFICATE | 支持多达25个分点,帮助业主提升建筑的节能等级。 Supports more than 25 quality check points in order to help householders upgrade the energy rating of buildings. | -- |