销售热线:0512-68381013 13913518394
该新产品是以PVC树脂为主体,经特殊加工工艺制作而成,PVC粒子界面间形成导静电网络,具有永久性防静电功能。外观似大理石,具有较好的装饰效果。可以粘贴在高架地板上使用,也可以直接铺贴在地面上使用,适用于电信、电子行业程控机房、计算机房、洁净厂房等要求净化及防静电场所。 This new product takes PVC colophony as main body and is made through special craftwork process; it forms transmit static network among PVC particle interface with performance anti-static function. It looks like marble in out appearance and has better decorative effect. It can affix the overhead floor; also can lay the ground directly, which is applicable to many occasions requesting cleanse and anti-static such as telecom, program-control room of electron industry, computer room and clean workshop etc. |