  • DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)


变压器测试仪器 Transformer testing equipment
Quick test for DC Resistance (1 A) HRZT-1A
Automatic variable than the group Tester HRBZ
Quick test for DC Resistance (2 A) HRZT-2A
Intelligent electrical parameters measuring instrument HRDC
Quick test for DC Resistance (3 A, 5A) HRZT-3A/5A
Intelligent Transformer empty load loss tester HRBCD
Quick test for DC Resistance (10 A) HRZT-10A
Transformer load loss and no-load capacity of Tester HRKFR
Quick test for DC Resistance (20 A) HRZT-20A
Transformer capacity of Tester HRRC
Quick test for DC Resistance (40 A) HRZT-40A
Transformers OLTC Tester HRBC
Two-phase quick test for DC Resistance (50 A) HRZT-50A
Generator rotor impedance tester HRJZK
Three-phase quick test for DC Resistance (60 A) HRZT-60A
Tripler power generator HRSFQ
Transformer winding characteristics of deformation tester HRBRTC
Infrared thermometer
Electrical transformer of automatic comprehensive test-bed HRBT
Transformer automatic temperature data logging devices HRWDY
电气绝缘测试仪器 Electrical insulation testing equipment
Anti-jamming automatic dielectric loss tester HRWGS
Measuring absorption ratio and polarization index insulation resistance tester HR-5/10kV
Automatic different frequency dielectric loss tester HRYWGS
Pointer insulation resistance tester HR-2.5/5kV
Integration of sophisticated oil-loss volume resistivity Tester HRWGS-Y
Insulating oil filter vacuum HRZLY
Automatic insulating oil dielectric strength tester HRIJJ-80
Insulation oil and gas chromatography analyzer HRSP-9
Digital insulation resistance tester HR-2671
Digital insulating oil trace moisture tester HRWSC
GIS electrical switch circuit breaker test equipment
High voltage switch dynamic characteristics test instrument HRGKC
High-precision SF6 gas discharge decomposition of analyzer HRSF6
Contacts (circuit) resistance tester HRHLY-100A
Mobile SF6 gas recovery inflatable device HRLH1-10Y-10-30
Vacuum switch vacuum tester HRZDC
High-voltage power low-voltage switchgear test bed HRGKT-I
Digital SF6 trace moisture tester HRDWS-IIC
HRMJC SF6智能密度继电器校验仪
SF6 intelligent density relay calibrator HRMJC
High-precision SF6 gas leak detectors HRLF-ID
SF6 gas HRPZH high-precision analysis of the quality of the comprehensive test
高压避雷器测试仪器 High-voltage arrester testing instruments
MOA of Tester HRYBJ
Arrester discharge counter detector HRFJX
MOA DC-test parameters HRYBS-30kV
DC high-voltage generator HRZGF
接地电阻测试仪器 Ground Resistance testing equipment
Two-Qiankou ground resistance tester HRSQ
Geodetic network ground resistance tester HRWGR
Clamp ground resistance tester E-2000
Grounding resistance testing shake table ZC-8
Digital ground resistance tester HRDER-2571
Grounding Yin Xiaxian on-tester HRJDT
High-voltage transmission tower ground resistance tester HR
AC-DC power supply test equipment (no PD)
DC High Voltage Generator HRZGF
Series control box / Taiwan (manual, electric, automatic) HRKZX(Q)/T(Q)
Large current generator(Adjust the large current generator) HRBSQ
Series resonant frequency exchange of high-pressure test equipment pressure HRBFXZ
Insulated boots (gloves) pressure testing device HRJNY
Lightning impulse voltage generator testing device HRHG
HRVLF-30/1.1 HRVLF-50/5 HRVLF-80/1.1 0.1Hz超低频高压发生器
0.1Hz Very-Low-Frequency high voltage generator HRVLF-30/1.1 HRVLF-50 / 5 HRVLF-80/1.1
Lightning impact of current generator testing device HRHGA
Figures partial discharge detector HRJFD-3A
Automatic lightning impact test measurement system HRHG-DIMS1/2/3B
Figures at the scene of partial discharge detection system HRJFD
Automatic control system lightning impact test HRHGCS-2000A
PD ultrasound automatic positioning system HRJFD-2A
Industrial Frequency Peak-Voltmeter HR24
Dry test transformer HRGTB
Lightning impact of the peak voltage meter HRHG23
Inflatable (no PD) test transformer HRYDQ(W)
Lightning impact peak Ammeter HRHG23A
Multi-functional digital divider (intelligent digital high-pressure form) HRSGB
HRYDT 3C认证电器安规耐压试验仪
3C certification of the electrical pressure tester HRYDT
Series resonant frequency step-up device HRYDXB
Lightning impulse voltage (current) system test equipment generator technology upgrading technology upgrading equipment
Oil-immersed (no PD) test transformer HRYDJ(W)
互感器检定及测试设备 Transformers test and test equipment
Automatic CT voltammetry of change than the Comprehensive test HRVAT-CT
Automatic transformer Test Bench (the scene) HRH-H (x)
Automatic CT / PT voltammetry of change than the Comprehensive test HRVAT-CT/PT
HRHL- A标准电流互感器
Standards current transformer HRHL-A
Current Transformer site tester calibration device HRHGQL-H
HRHJ- kV标准电压互感器
Standard voltage transformer HRHJ-kV
Voltage transformer at the scene tester calibration device HRHGQY-H
Transformer load me HRFH
HRYJA PT二次负载在线测试仪
PT secondary load-line tester HRYJA
Smart transformer calibrator HRHEA
HRYJB PT二次压降测试仪
PT secondary pressure tester HRYJB
Transformer calibrator seized the entire device HRHEJ
Automatic transformer calibration device (laboratory) HRH-H
Secondary circuit protection device to test equipment
Comprehensive test instrument HRJBC relay
Single-phase electronic thermal relay test-HRRJCD
Computer relay tester HRWJC
Three-phase electronic thermal relay test-HRRJCS
HRWJC-6 (六相电压,六相电流)微机继电保护测试仪
(6-phase of voltage, 6-phase of current ) Computer relay tester HRWJC-6
More use of calibrator (Meter scene calibrator) HRDS
DC system fault tester HRZJ3
power differential relay test-HRCGB
Three-phase power source HRGY
HRMJC SF6智能密度继电器校验仪
SF6 intelligent density relay calibrator HRMJC
Three-phase, single-phase electronic phase shifters HRYXQ
Gas (gas) pressure release valve automatically relay tester HRLC--8/8QYG
电缆故障测试仪器 Cable Fault testing equipment
Cable fault Tester (overhead) HRLGT (JK)
Transmission line fault from the test instrument HRWG
Cable fault Tester (buried) HRLGT (DM)
Detention center-sector high-voltage power grid to prevent warning device HRJWG-5
Communications cable fault tester HRLGT (TX)
The prison perimeter to prevent high-voltage power grid warning device HRJWG-10
The frequency line parameters Tester HRGXL
电参表校验仪器 Calibration equipment, the Senate table
Meter at the scene calibrator HRDS
Power harmonic meter HRDXC
Frequency signal generator HRGP
Harmonic power (power quality) measurement analyzer HRDXC
Phase of the frequent rate HRPX
Automatic capacitance bridge tester HRCQ
Power harmonic Alarm HRDXB
Charged operating the equipment and other electrical instrumentation
Of micro-ohms
Insulator insulation resistance tester HRWG-16
Phase sequence tables
mine components Tester HRFC-2G
High voltage Nuclear phase HREC-1
Electronic milliseconds HRZX
Wireless voltage nuclear phase-HREC-11
High voltage-pressure Electroscope HREC-2
Discharge ball Gap HRQ-50
Leakage Protection Tester HRLB
Microamp current form HRVA
Single-phase, three-phase isolation transformer, rectifier transformers, isolation filter HRGB/HRGLB
The exchange value of low-insulator charged detector HRWG-11
Series Electric columnar regulator / adjustable power supply HRTNZD(S)
Exchange string voltage distribution lines measuring table HRWG-12
Digital two-phase clamp table HRSB
Exchange string voltage distribution lines measuring table detector HRWG-15
Test line, Discharge rods, Water resistance、Oil Cup HR
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9、HRWGS Type Automatic Test Equipment for Anti-Jamming Dielectric Loss DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)  
     This type of equipment is used for measuring the dielectric loss and capacitance of condenser of the various kinds of high voltage electric power equipment as a substitute for the QSI electric bridge.

Main features: There are PT inside and the high voltage standard capacitor making the wire connection easy.

This equipment is made by adopting the testing theory of photo coupling data sampling and connecting the vector operation with the dephasing and the inverse method. It can eliminate effectively the disturbance in the electric field. It can be used quite well on the spot and has the best performance with the lower price among the same type of production.

Key technical indexes:
High voltage output: 2kV、5kV、10kV
Measuring range: tgδ<50% 30pF<Cx<60000pF
Measuring range of the dielectric loss: 0.1 ~100%
Resolving capability: tgδ: 0.01%
Degree of accuracy: tgδ2%±0.05%
Absolute error: tgδ0.03%
★HRWGS-Y Type Integrated Precise Resistivity Detector for Oil Medium Volume

  10、HRLF Type High Degree of Accuracy SF6 Leak Detector



  The instrument is the patented product as the transformation from the achievements in scientific research. It is the best SF6 leak detector equipment in China. The equipment is endowed with the strengths from Germany and Japan’s experience and overcomes weaknesses. This instrument can be applied to the leak hunting of the SF6 switches in the power supply department, the SF6 high voltage switch gear factory and the electric testing and researching institute. It is also can be used as the assorted equipment of the electric device and export product for the SF6 high voltage switch gear factory.

Brief introduction:
HRLF-ID Digital High Precision SF6 Gas Leak Detector is the optimization product of our company which is latest upgraded and designed. It has the advantages of the high sensitivity and stability. The testing operation is simple, direct, fast and with a high response speed. The search unit will never be poisoning and cause poisonous gas. The high degree of automatic instrument can display the gas strength by liquid crystal screen which makes the reading data more convenient and accurate.
When there is different strength of SF6 gas and other halogen gas in the air, the ionized degree of the mixed gas will be different under the effect of the electromagnetic field of high frequency.

Application field:
This instrument is mainly applied for the leaking finding of equipment and container which are filled with the SF6 and other halogen gas in the ministry of water conservancy and electric power, the manufacturing engineering of electronic device, and the metallurgy of iron and steel, the petrochemical industry, the railway transportation, the mining industry, the extinguisher apartment and the atomic physics research institute.

The main technical parameter:
Range of measurement: (SF6): 10-8 ~10-2 (volume rate)
Time of response: no more than 3 seconds (10-4 gas)
Indication mode: digital numerical quantitative indication and audio, optical signal
Length of the vacuum hose: 4 meters
Continuous working period: no more than 4 hours

Working condition:
Alternating current power: 220V±22V, 50Hz±2Hz
Environmental temperature: -5℃~+45℃
Relative humidity: no more than 85%
Electric power consumption: about 270W
Size (length, wide, height): 510×330×480mm
Gross weight: about 20kg
HRLH1 Series mobile SF6 gas recovery inflatable devices
HRSF6 precision SF6 gas discharge decomposition analysis Tester

SF6 gas HRPZH high-precision analysis of the quality of the comprehensive test

11、HRDWS Type Minim Water Admeasuring Apparatus  
    Brief introduction:
The HRDWS-IIC Digital High Precision SF6 Minim Water Admeasuring Apparatus is the new type instrument with a high degree of automatic which belongs to the HRDWS-Ⅱseries. It is made by adopting modern advanced digital measuring technique and optimal gas circuit with producing experience for many years. It has much improved the reliability of instrument and the convenience of usage.
This instrument can be used continuously and discontinuously for measuring the minim water. Compared with the other kinds of water analysis methods, this instrument can be a simply, direct and fast way for you to analyzing featuring strong stability and good repeatability.

Application field:
This instrument is applied for air, nitrogen, argon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur hexafluoride and the gases which are not reactive with the phosphorus pentoxide. It is also can be used to express analyzing, automatic monitoring and exact measuring the water content in the gas at the ministry of water conservancy and electric power, the manufacturing engineering of electronic device, and the metallurgy of iron and steel, the petrochemical industry, the railway transportation and the mining industry.

The main technical parameter:
Accuracy of measurement: ±5%
Measuring range:
200 Shelves:0~200×10-6 (Volume fraction)
2000 Shelves:0~2000×10-6 (Volume fraction)
Remarks: The range of 1000~2000 is not used for measuring.

Working condition:
Alternating current power: 220V±10%,50Hz
Environment temperature: -5℃~+45℃
Instrument inlet pressure: Rated inlet pressure: 0.02~0.12Mpa
Size: 360×260×150mm
Weight: about 6kg

12、HRJFD Type Digital Partial Discharge Detecting Analytic System

HRJFD Type Digital Partial Discharge Detecting System

★The Technique File of HRJFD Type Digital Partial Discharge Detecting System

HRJFD-3A Type Digital Partial Discharge Detector
☆Introduction of HRJFD-3A Type Digital Partial Discharge Detector
   The HRJFD system has carried the ultrasonic measurement to the local discharge of the hundreds of transformers and reactor in Gezhou Dam 500kV switch station, Wuhan Phoenix Mountain 500kV transformer substation, Shengyang transformer factory, Hefei transformer factory, Hengyang transformer factory, Guangzhou power supply bureau, Hunan electricity generating board, Chongqing transformers factory and Wuhan steel. This system has the advantage of operation reliable and easy to operate. It can meet the needs of measurement. As one of the key items of the of eight-five project, this electrical device has been widely used for the spot test and research in the related unit in the north, east, central and northwest parts of China.
The system has functions of hundred-percent process controlling mode and menu prompt in Chinese character. It can access and print arbitrarily. It can automatically generate survey reports and display two-dimensional and three-dimensional local discharge atlases. It is made by adopting the skin window technique and has a good capacity of resisting disturbance. It takes the techniques of two channel measurement and digital difference technique which is able to measure the local discharge signal of two samples or the two testing point of one sample. That is convenient for analyzing the origin of the local discharge signal. This product is the national key scientific and technological project and the extension project of the ministry of electric power. It has been tested in hundreds of transformers such as the Gezhou Dam 500kV switch station, Wuhan phoenix mountain 500kV transformer substation and Shenyang transformer factory. It is reliable and easy to operate.
It is specially applied for measuring the local discharge of the eclectic devices such as the transformer, the electrical motor, the mutual inductor, the capacitor, the cable, the GIS, the switches and the lighting arrester. The performance is complied with the standard of IEC-270 and GB7354. It has the hundred-percent Chinese software and the menu mode operation. The measurement and analysis of the local discharge graph data can be arbitrarily accessed and printed. It has two channels and can produce test report automatically. It has many colorful display modes those are ellipse, straight line, two-dimension and three-dimension.

Detection sensitivity: 0.5pC
Measuring frequency bandwidth: 1-200 kHz
Gain dynamic range: above 120dB
Sampling precision: 8 bit ±1/2LSB
The whole equipment also includes the mainframe, display and print. (It’s not including the voltage part)

  HRJFD Type On-Site Digital Partial Discharge Detecting Analytic System  
      This system is specially applied for the field and spot check work in the electric equipment manufacturer, electricity generating and supplying department, electrical power construction, electrical installation and debugging construction enterprises. It is very convenient for measuring and fixing the database which is easy for further analysis and management.

Technical parameter:
Measuring channel: two channels
Detection sensitivity: 0.1PC
Measuring frequency range: 3dB bandwidth 10kHz~300 kHz
Cell-type filter setting stage:
Low end 10,20,40kHz
High end 100,200,300kHz
Gain dynamic range: 120dB
Synchronizing frequency: 50,100,150,200 or any Hz
Standard pulse generator: HRJFD-301
Full sized pulse voltage: 10V,5V,2V,1V,0.5V,0.2V (adjustable)
Calibration capacity: 50pF, 200pF (adjustable)
Working power supply: AC220V±10%,50Hz

※The Technique File of HRJFD Type On-Site Digital Partial Discharge Detecting Analytic System
DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)   DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)   DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)   DigitalPartialDischargeDetectingAnalyticSystem(局部放电检测分析系统)
HRJFD-2A Type Local Discharge Ultrasonic Automatic Positioning Device

    The failure testing and positioning of operating the medium and large sized transformers have always been the points that electrical engineers focus for a long time. The HRJFD-2A system, manufactured in the large-sized transformer local discharge ultrasonic position method and equipment research subject which is one of the national key scientific and technological project has provided an effective solution.
The HRJFD-2A system has carried the ultrasonic measurement to the local discharge of the hundreds of transformers and reactor in Gezhou Dam 500kV switch station, Wuhan Phoenix Mountain 500kV transformer substation, Shengyang transformer factory, Hefei transformer factory, Hengyang transformer factory, Guangzhou power supply bureau, Hunan electricity generating board, Chongqing transformers factory and Wuhan steel. This system has the advantage of operation reliable and easy to operate. It can meet the needs of measurement. As one of the key items of the of eight-five project, this electrical device has been widely used for the spot test and research in the related unit in the north, east, central and northwest parts of China.
The HRJFD-2A ultrasonic positioning system which is including the high performance computer, high-sensitivity local discharge sound probe, programmed amplified filter, high-speed A/D transducer, transient waveform recording, signal analysis and fault location software is applied for acquiring, measuring, analyzing, positioning and spot observing the local discharge ultrasonic signal in the large-sized transformer, oil-immersed high voltage electrical apparatus and the GIS electrical operation equipment.
The HRJFD-2A ultrasonic positioning system can position the fault and the error is less than 250mm. The whole measuring system can find out the local discharge ultrasonic signal which is less than 1000pC.

Functions and characteristics:
(1) Making the detecting operation of local discharge ultrasonic more convenient and the analyzing more simple under the platform of the windows.
(2) Making the signal acquired more reliably for the ultrasonic sensor has the performance of low noise, high-sensitivity and anti-jamming.
(3) Making the spot testing more flexible with the local discharge ultrasonic signal electrical-acoustical position and acoustical-acoustical position functions
(4) Making the result of the position more precisely by choosing freely the spherical position calculation and the hyperboloid position calculation of the ultrasonic signal.
(5) Showing the position coordinates by ultrasonic probe and the locating point by solid geometric drawing.
(6) Convenient for building the measuring and positioning database for further analyzing and managing.
(7) Be the local discharge on-line detecting instrument which is useful for detecting the local generating and developing.

Technical parameter:
The sensitivity of the ultrasonic probe: -150dB
A/D conversion accuracy: 8bit±1/2LSB
Sample length: 32k/channel
Minimum detectable discharge:<50pC (laboratory)<300(1000)pC (spot)
Minimum positional error:<50mm(laboratory)< 250mm (spot)

13、HRGKC High Voltage Switch Mechanical Features Tester  
    This tester is used to measure time, speed and process of the overstuffed, oil-minimum breaker, vacuum and SF6 high voltage switch and high-voltage circuit breaker. It is also can be used to measure the closing and trip time, the bounce time, the reclosing time, maximum speed and the average speed of the high-voltage circuit breaker. It has the function of the liquid crystal display and print as well as the menu prompt operation.

The main characteristics: The measuring vacuum switch doesn’t need to put into the process. It can be tested directly and sensor can be easily installed.

Main technical target:
Maximum speed measurement: 7m/s
Inaccuracy of measurement: 0.01m/s
Maximum haul cycle: 600mm
Inaccuracy of measurement: 1mm or 0.5mm
Maximum time: 999.0ms
Inaccuracy of measurement: 0.1ms

14、HBZDC Type Vacuity of the Vacuum Switch Measuring Instrument  
    This instrument is made by adopting the latest excitability flexible circuit conductor to measuring the vacuity of the vacuum switch automatically without the unloading. The operation is simply and reliable. It can be used in many kinds of vacuum tube.

Performance and characteristics:
(1) It can quantitatively measure the vacuity of the vacuum tube as much as 35 curved shapes.
(2) It has the function of leaking detecting.
(3) The useful time can be speculated from the historical data.
(4) The internal of the instrument has been stored the arc extinguish chamber. You can read directly without unloading.
(5) The band and surface type printer can put out the printer.
(6) This series has been divided into two kinds of instruments which are loading and unloading.
(7) The unique function: The instrument can judge the three situations of the vacuity which are eligible, declinable and fully leakiness.
Range of measuring: 0.000001~0.1pa
Output voltage: AC 220V 50Hz
Input Power: High voltage output: Pulsed voltage: 30kV, 15 kHz
Inaccuracy of measurement: <10%
Measurement resolution :10-5pa

15、HRLGT Type Portable Cable Fault Locator
    This is used for locating various faults of the cables for the city cable, high frequency communication cable, buried cable and medal overhead cable line. The faults include open circuit, short circuit and poor contact. It also can be used to telemetry the position of the fault, including the leak grounding, wire breaking and poor contacting. The instrument adopts many testing methods and the most advanced electron technology fruits as well as the computer technology and the microelectronic technique. It has a high degree of intelligent, a full function, a large range of use, an accurate testing, a convenient operation and alternating-current power or direct current power source. It is especially suitable for testing different types and grades voltage cables.
★The Technique File of the HRLGT (DMDL) Intelligent Cable Fault Locator
★The Technique File of the HRLGT (JKDL) Intelligent Cable Fault Locator
    Main Technique parameter:
(1).The farthest testing distance: 32 km
(2).The detecting blind area: 1m
(3).Resolution reading: 1 m
(4).Power dissipation:5VA
16、HRWG Type Transmission Line Fault Distance Tester
    The tester is used to measure the distance between the fault point and the measuring point when the permanent earth or turnoff happened in the overhead transmission line. It is applied for the 35kv and the voltage grade above. You can tell the fault distance exactly only by examining and fixing the fault line in the transformer substation when the fault happens. It is very convenient for the maintainer to look up the fault quickly and shorten the emergency repair.

    Main Technique parameter:
(1).Range of measuring: 1-100km
(2).Inaccuracy of measurement: ≤1%
(3).Output mode: 8 bit LCD display
(4).Electric power source: internal-mounted 12V3AH storage battery
(5).Working hours: 6 hours
(6).Working temperature: 0~40℃
(7).Humidity level: RHD30~95%
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Copyright China, WuHan, GuoDian HuaRui Power Test Technology Co.,Ltd. 0086-27-87446394








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