GFC-8131H 频率计 固纬显示
8 位数 with Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz, S, mS, μS, nS and overflow
Gate Time
Continuously vary from 10mS to 10S, or 1 period of input depending on whichever is greater
+(Resolution +Timebase error)
频道 A
范围 DC 耦合 0.01Hz ~ 120MHz;AC 耦合 30Hz ~ 120MHz
感度 10mVrms typical; 50mVrms max
耦合 AC or DC, switchable
滤波器 Low pass, switchable in or out for channel A.
-3dB point of nominally 100kHz
阻抗 1MΩ//40pF
衰减器 x 20dB
触发准位调整 -2.5 VDC to +2.5 VDC