柔性铸铁管是在国际上运用广范的主要的排水材料之一,采用离心浇铸,组织致密,管壁薄,重量轻,接口采用不锈钢卡箍和橡胶套连接,装卸方便。柔性排水铸铁管是一种新型的建筑用排水管材,已被广泛用于排水,排污,雨水管道和通气管道系统,是政府推广,替代传统砂型铸造排水管及UPVC 管的新产品。我公司生产的排水铸铁管不仅型号齐全,而且符合不同国家和地区的标准(如EN877,ASTM A888,ISO6594,CSA B70,CJ/T177等)。特点:耐用期限超过建筑物预期的寿命;不燃物、不蔓延火花、无毒;抗腐蚀性、不老化;膨胀、收缩系数小;低噪音;柔性抗震、耐受力强、重量轻;接头防渗入和渗出;标准化、设计上的溶合性(可与其它管材连接)、美观;安装、维修简易,环保可完全回收。
低价格,高品质, 外观美,您的不悔选择.
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Hubless Cast Iron Soil Pipes has long been employed by the building industry as a reliable drainage system, widely used in sanitary Drain, Waste, and Vent, sewer drainage applications. Compared with plastic(PVC) pipes, cast iron pipe is more soild and durable. Furthemore, cast iron pipe has excellent noise suppression and fire resistant characteristics, and can be completely recycled, it has become architects' first choice for drainage inside the building.