  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家
  • 995硅酮结构密封胶--源头厂家



桥梁伸缩缝GQF-C型、GQF-Z型、GQF-E型、GQF-F型、GQF-MZL型,全都是采用热轧整体成型的异型钢材设计的桥梁伸缩缝产品。其中GQF-C型、GQF-Z型、GQF-L型、GQF-F型桥梁伸缩装置适用于伸缩量80mm以下的的桥梁, GQF-MZL型桥梁伸缩装置型是由边梁、中梁、横梁和连动机构组成的模数式桥梁伸缩缝装置,适用于伸缩量80mm-1200mm的大中跨度桥梁。

The bridge expansion joints GQF-C, GQF-Z, GQF-E, GQF-F and GQF-MZL are all bridge expansion joint products designed by hot rolled profiled steel. The GQF-C type, GQF-Z type, GQF-L type, GQF-F type bridge expansion device is suitable for the expansion of the 80mm below the bridge, GQF-MZL bridge expansion device is composed of modular bridge expansion edge beam, beam, beam and linkage mechanism joint device, suitable for large and medium span bridge expansion 80mm-1200mm.


In order to meet the requirements of bridge deck deformation, it is usually between two beam ends, between Liang Duan and abutment or bridge.


The rubber pad is composed of multilayer rubber vulcanization bonding a common rubber bearing products, this product has enough vertical stiffness, can force reliable transfer to the pier upper bearing structure, bearing has good flexibility, rotating beam end in response to the bridge; and a larger shear deformation capacity in order to meet, the horizontal displacement of superstructure.



Arrangement of rubber pads


The layout of the rubber pad is mainly related to the structure of the bridge. Usually, the following basic principles need to be considered when setting up bearings:


(1) when the superstructure is a spatial structure, the rubber pad should be able to adapt to the deformation of the bridge in the direction of the bridge (X direction) and the transverse direction (Y direction);


(2) rubber pads must be able to reliably transfer vertical and horizontal forces;


(3) the longitudinal displacement, lateral displacement and longitudinal and constant rotation angle caused by the deformation of the beam should be as unconstrained as possible;


(4) when the bridge is located on the flat slope, the fixed rubber cushion block should be located on the front abutment of the main driving direction;


(5) the rubber pad should be installed in the place where the reaction force is greater than the block;


(6) several rubber pads on the same pier should have similar rotational rigidity;



In a word, the layout principle of the bridge rubber pad is not only convenient to transfer the counterforce of the support, but also to make the rubber pad fully adapt to the free deformation of the beam.


Installation of rubber pad


(1) before installing the cushion block, the installation position of the bearing should be measured and checked, and the mounting plane of the bearing should be parallel to the sliding plane or rolling plane of the bearing, and the deviation of parallelism should not exceed 2.


(2) check the relative position of the top and bottom plate of the movable support before installing the cushion block.


(3) after the cushion block is installed, the rolling and sliding planes should be horizontal, and the slope of the theoretical plane is not greater than 2 per thousand. The center of the upper and lower plates should be in the middle, and the deviation should not be greater than 2 per thousand.


(4) in order to ensure the installation and leveling of the cushion block, the 20~50mm hard dry shrinkage mortar cushion should be rammed between the bottom of the support and the top of the professional cushion stone.










主营业务:我公司专业生产橡胶止水带、外贴式橡胶止水... [详细]


经营性质: 材料供应商

所在地:河北 衡水市 


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建筑材料 > 防水 > 密封材料 > 密封胶 > 单组份聚氨酯密封胶


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