

2017年01月22日 来源: fischer 慧鱼中国 作者:慧鱼

简介: 编者按:世界经济论坛于2017年1月17日-20日在瑞士的达沃斯举行。此次峰会聚焦中国经济的前景和全球金融形势不明朗的情况下中国经济的发展态势。 中国日报力邀18位跨国公司总裁,共同探讨2017中国经济形式和他们的公司战略。慧鱼中国总经理蒋宗先生也受邀接受了来自中国日报的采访:



Q1. 2017年度对于中国经济的增长你有什么期望?基于这一点,您认为中国最大的机会和挑战是什么?A1. 我希望2017年中国经济能够保持稳定、可持续的发展。生产和消费在2017年持续升级,这将给慧鱼为市场提供高质量产品更好的机会。中国维持可持续发展的同时,如何加强不同行业的经济转型将是最大的挑战。 

Q2. 在中国十三五计划的大环境下,您将如何计划公司商业战略,例如创新、提升制造力、绿色环保或加快城市化进程?

A2. 创新和绿色环保理念是慧鱼集团近几年的发展战略。显而易见,在中国十三五计划中,绿色环保和对人类生存环境的重视持续发酵,慧鱼公司的发展战略也将依旧秉承这些理念。由于慧鱼集团主营建筑材料,中国城市化进程的脚步日益加快,也会给我们带来更多的机遇。

Q3. 2017年对于公司在中国市场的收入和利润您抱有怎样的期望?

A3. 2017年,我希望慧鱼公司销售额能够有超过两位数的增长幅度。虽然市场上不断有新的竞争者加入,价格和利润也不像前几年那么乐观,我们希望通过慧鱼新产品的上市、整体解决方案的的创新,使整个公司的整体利润能有逐步的增长。 

Q4. 美元的强势和更加灵活的人民币汇率,在2017年对您的公司有什么影响?

A4. 我们是一家德国企业,所有产品都进口自德国或在中国本土生产,强势的美元冲击基本无法影响到我们。反之,相对弱势的欧元可能降低我们在中国市场的成本。无论怎样,我们都期待看到一个稳定的国际货币交易市场,从而减低来自各国的任何不稳定因素。

Q&A: What the year has in storeEditor’s note: The World Economic Forum, which began on Jan17 in Davos, Switzerland, will go on until Jan 20. It is focusing attention onthe prospects for the Chinese economy and how it will intertwine with globalfinances against the backdrop of increasing uncertainties. China Daily has interviewed 18 chief executives of leadingmultinational companies to know their outlook for China as well as theircorporate strategies for 2017. This is the second of the three full-pagespecial reports. The final installment will appear in Thursday’s edition.  1. What’syour expectation for China’s economic growth in 2017? In this regard, what arethe major opportunities and challenges for China?A1: I would expect that China could keep the stready and sustainable growth in economy in 2017. The upgrade of manufacturing and consuming in 2017 would be opportunities for us to promote more good-quality products in the market. The major challenges for China is how to maintain the sustainable economic growth and at the same time to enhance its economic transition in different industries. 2.How would you align your business strategy with the main themes of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) like innovation, upgrade of manufacturing capability, green growth and urbanization?A2: Innovation and green growth are our group’s strategy for years. It’s good to see that in China’s 13th Five-Year plan, China will insist on more green growth strategies and pay more attention to human living conditions, which are exactly the same strategies of our group. Since our company mainly focuses on construction,  the further urbanization of China will give us more opportunities in the sector. 3.What are your expectations with regards to 2017 revenue and profit of your businessin China? A3: We would  expect to have above double digit growth in 2017 for our company.  Although with more new entrants in the market, the price and profit are not as satisfied as previous years, we still expect a slight increase in our total profit, with a new product launching, innovation and total solutions. 4. What kind of impact will a stronger US dollar and a more flexible renminbi exchangehave on your business in 2017?A4:Since we are a German company and most products are imported from Germany or locally produced in China, the stronger US dollar may not have much influence on us. On the contrary, the weaker euro may reduce our costs for the Chinese market. However, we are willing to see a steady currency exchange internationally to reduce any uncertain risk and balance strength from Europe,US and China. 


申明:本文章内容来自(fischer 慧鱼中国),作者(慧鱼)。著作权归原作者所有,如涉及作品侵权问题,请与我们联系,我们将及时处理!
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